-Footprints in the Sand-

-Footprints in the Sand-

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets offootprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really troubled him and he questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."

The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Monday, November 12, 2012

One Happy Week!

Birthday weeks are my favorite weeks, that is until I get to be like 50"ish" give or take a few.  This past birthday week was really awesome, and one that I wouldn't mind reliving!  The first most precious thing that happened was on, I do believe Wednesday; I was given a very special gift.  Now this boy in my Basic Reading class is the cutest little boy, and he loves to talk like me. For example, every time I say, "Good Job!"  he says it exactly just the way I do, with the correct pronunciation, tone, and everything.  He is a cutie.  His name is Jose, and he is just the happiest little fella I have ever seen.  Every time I see him, he is either 1- smiling from ear to ear, or 2- coming at ya for a hug.  :)  He has all this happy energy, I feel he doesn't know what to do with it all except squeeze it all out through hugs.

Well, on Wednesday he came into my class and was like, "Miss Sophie! Miss Sophie!"  and he handed me this flower he made in Miss Janessa's class.  Now this isn't unusual considering the kids will give you anything they make because they either don't like it, or they don't want to carry it around to every class.  Well he kept on saying, "I made this for you! I made this for you!"  I didn't really think that he made it for me, but there was a little note that sure enough said, "To Mis Sofi."  :)  I was so excited when I read that!  He made my day a million times better through this huge act of giving, and that made my birthday week that much better.  :)

When I got home that night, sitting on my desk were these purple flowers.  I have no idea what they are called or where they came from, but all I know was that they were beautiful!  So they showed up at the perfect time for me to add one more little yellow one to the mix.  I got a little camera happy as usual, but here they are!

-After the events of "awesome" took place, Thursday came.  Now on this day I didn't have to start teaching until 4, and I had loads of laundry to get done to last through the week, so guess what I ended up doing?  Laundry.  Now I was happy to do my laundry because I would actually have clothes to wear, and it gives me something to do at home besides blog, so this was a good thing.  Well I have to wait for my maid to get to our house in the morning because the words on the washer are in Spanish, and you have to do something confusing that I just haven't figured out yet, so I started my first load around 9:30 in the morning.  Well little did I know that my maid's 4 year old daughter was sick that day, and she joined her mama at our house.  I could tell that she really wanted to talk to me when she was laying right in my bedroom door way on a ton of pillows staring at me while I was on my bed.

Me trying to understand her words :)
So I pulled up some YouTube Disney movies, and invited her to watch Lion King 3 with me.  She was happy that she was watching a movie, but kinda got restless and started asking me who everyone was in the movie.  I didn't really understand her a whole lot because I'm pretty sure she told me that she painted her hair orange once, which didn't really make a whole lot of sense to me.  :p  About 30 minutes into the movie she kept on asking me if I had, "Blanca Nieve," or Snow White.  I wasn't sure, but I found it!  We only watched like 10 minutes of it before she started asking me all of these questions again.  I am not sure what she was talking about, but I always replied with a, "Yeah.  Yes.  Oh!" or, "Cool."  :p  She didn't seem to mind at all.  Somehow though, we started surfing my Facebook page, and she was excited to see that she was on my profile picture.  So we were like lets take pictures!  We had fun, probably more me than she, but who cares about that.   :)
This is my favorite, check her face.  :)
She wanted to take a picture with pooh bear.

We brought Scooby Doo into the picture.
She is a cutie!

We had lots of fun!
After our photo shoot, she helped me put away my clothes.  Everything she would had me out of my basket to put away she would hold up to her and say something along the lines of, "Does this look good? How bout this one, and this one, this one...."  It was funny, especially when she got to my bra.  Yeah, I didn't know what to say about that one, so I laughed and took it away from her.  :p  I really have come to love this little child a lot.

 -Fridays are usually really fun, considering that is when we have our culture classes.  Our culture guide's name is Irma.  She is really funny, and has an interesting fashion.  This Friday we went to a cactus plantation, that was like a 15-20 minute drive from Tehuacan.  I wasn't expecting too much from the trip, but it was more impressive than I had thought it would be!  It's pretty much how I pictured all of Mexico from the beginning, but I am oh so glad to have proved myself wrong.  It was pretty, but not something I would enjoy living in.  Here are some photos of our trip:

Our guide.

Ya don't want to sit on one of these.

1,600 year old tree!

                                       Everything needs a hug every now and again!

It really was beautiful!  I must say that I had one great time this past week, and the events leading up to my birthday.  My birthday was a blast, but I will write about that one later.  :)  Until then....do something fun!

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